Saturday, November 5, 2022

"اسرار محبت" Synopsis For


Synopsis for اسرار محبت . The genre is sci fi and romance.

A deceitful husband cheats on his wife after which she dies of trauma, but gets to know some shocking truth. 

Husband works in a company and has a 9 to 5 job, while the wife is housewife. The girl with whom the husband cheats on the wife is a young , pretty girl who is in her early twenties. All the characters aren’t too wealthy but belong to an upper middle class society 

The main character is the wife herself though in the story she almost dies and  fakes her death leaving the story in suspense. After faking her death she uses  recordings and communicates the immense love she has for her husband and the reason for her taking her life wasn’t that her love decreased instead a reason he will come to know later. 

At that the start of the film, we see husband isn’t too sorrowful about his wife dying! What could be the reason exactly? And the next day , immediately the husband continues going to his office like nothing happened. A week passes by and the husband opens a drawer in his bedside table and finds a note and a USB. He plays the first recording and it has all the recordings a loving and caring wife would leave behind. The next day he plays the second part, but half of it due to a disturbance.

After listening to the second recording gets nervous ( still doesn’t know that wife already knew ) and gets call from his new girlfriend. They meet. It’s their favorite restaurant. While they sit and enjoy their leisure time the husband’s wife appears suddenly in front of him. He is shocked to see her alive. The wife appears with tears in her eyes and asks her husband to go listen to the last recording in the USB.  

Husband goes home and plays the last recording starting with “HELLO” and then gets interrupted

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