Wednesday, October 5, 2022


 Sound is the seventy percent of your film

The Sound Tree

-Sound Effects 



Sound came into films in 1927, before that, silent films were produced, only music and sound effects were used first film with dialogues is Warner Brother's Jazz Singer.

Types Of Sound;

-Diegetic Sound

both the audience and editor can listen

-Non Diegetic Sound

only the audience can ear it

-Ambient Sound

it is also known as room tone, it adds environment to the scene

-Voice Over / Narration

it is very common in documentaries where a person speaks in the background of the film.

-Dialogue / Monologue

dialogue is when people speak to each other where as monologue is when an individual speaks to him or himself

-Mode Of Address

it is the way you are talking to another person, for example inferior or authoritative tone


score is the original music composed for a film. It is also known as music

-Sound Track

all the music in the film and all the vocal music in the film is the sound track

-OST (Original Sound Track)

music made specifically for a film is the original sound track

-Synchronous Sound (Sync)

the sound that is in sync. It is almost one hundred percent of your film. Professionally dialogues are recorded after the shoot of films. (ADR), lip sync etc

-Asynchronous Sound (Async)

the sound and visuals are not in sync and we call it out of sync. It is a rare thing and techniqueto be used. When used, it was used as a tool to grab attention

-Sound Effects (Folly)

they are background sounds which enhance the feel of the scene and makes it sound more lively. They are recorded by folly studios and synced with the video in sound synchronization in editing

-Sound Bridge

it is a connector between sound and the visuals. It is also called L or J cut in editing

-Sound Motive

it is a sound which is associated with a character or specific place. It is mostly used in horror movies

-Room Tone

it is the most important sound to be captured in a film. It is the sound of silence of a place in the film. Every environment has room tone. It gives a sense of realism to the film

-ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement)

It is also known as dubbing. Professional films often record their dialogues after shooting the film using ADR. It is also used to translate films in other languages


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