Thursday, October 27, 2022

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 We will be filming the indoor shots in a house in E10 and will be recording outdoor shots in Bahria Phase 4 and DHA 2

Monday, October 17, 2022

Friday, October 14, 2022

Sound (2)

 Microphonecolloquially called a mic or mike, is a device – a transducer – that converts sound into an electrical signal.

Types of Microphones

(i) Transducers

it also has three types

-Dynamic (Cost Efficient) 

-Condenser (Costly, High Quality)

-Ribbon (Extremely Expensive, Best Quality and Used in Professional Studios)

(ii) Pickup Pattern

it has two types 

-Uni-Directional Microphone / Cardiod Microphone



-Omni-Directional Microphone  


 It receives audio in a 360 degree direction


-Phantom Power

there are professional microphones that come with a XLR cable or XLR mount to run them. They usually require a voltage of 48+ V to run them and have a 3.5mm head.

Audio is first Edited on Speakers and then for advanced editing, professional speakers are used.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Audio VS Sound

 Sound is a vibration.

Audio is when we record digitally. The vibration of sound is audio and waveform.

Waveform of a signal is the shape of its graph as a function of time, independent of its time and magnitude scales and of any displacement in time.

Pre-Role is the recording of the shots 2 to 3 times before the actual shot is taken.

Post-Role is a recording of 10 to 15 seconds in length. This is in contrast to video ads that play before a video (Pre-Role).

Echo and Reverb

ECHO is the delay in the sound

REVERB  occurs when a sound hits any hard surface and reflects back to the listener at varying times and amplitudes to create a complex echo, which carries information about that physical space.

Mono and Sterio

Mono is the single channel audio

Stereo is the two channel audio

True Stereo  is the stereo signal consists of two related channels, with correlated material in the left and right outputs.

Pseudo Stereo is when you record Mono and duplicate it later through editing

Types of Sound Systems

- 2.1 Sound System

- 5.1 Sound System

- 7.1 Sound System

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Light has its own impact in the frame

Three Point Lighting is mostly used in the frame. Three point lighting means there are three sources of light . There is KEY LIGHT , FILL LIGHT and BACK LIGHT

Key Light is the main light source in a scene (Primary Scene)

Back Light is thrown from the back of the character. It gives separation and depth to the frame

Fill Light is used to fill the shadows created by the key light. It is thrown opposite from the direction of key light.

Rules Of Lighting

KEY LIGHT is given from a 40 degree angle of the the character. FILL LIGHT is thrown from a 45 degree angle opposite of the character and in half of the wattage used for KEY LIGHT. BACK LIGHT is given from above the character from the the background.

High Key Lighting is the bright light used in the frame and the shadows produced here are soft.

Low Key Lighting is the use of low lights in the frame and the shadows produced here are harsh. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Editing Terms

 -Shot / Reverse Shot

-Eye-line Motion 

-Graphic Motion

-Action Match (Cut on Action)

-Jump Cut

-Cross Cutting / Inter cutting / Parr ell Cutting

Reverse Shot

switch between two shots of two people talking back and forth\

Eye line Match

show where the eye-line lies or where the character is looking

Action Match

cut on action

Jump Cut

It has two types, one in editing and one is in production

Real Time and Screen Time

Cross Cutting 

shows two actions simultaneously

Graphic Match

A graphic match (as opposed to a graphic contrast or collision) occurs when the shapes, colors and/or overall movement of two shots match in composition, either within a scene or, especially, across a transition between two scenes.  


Sunday, October 9, 2022

Sound Director

  The sound designer or sound director controls everything in the sound department. He or she is the sound director of the film. Walter Murg was the first sound designer of the world and he directed the sound department in God Father and Apocalypse etc.

Sound Engineer

he or she is the technical head of the sound department. He or she decides whatever is related to sound. 

Sound Recording Artist

They monitor the boom operator and the audio of the boom. Both him and the boom operator work under sound engineer.

Boom Operator

Boom operator use a shotgun microphone attached to a boom to record sound. He works with the sound recording artist. Shotgun Mic is a directional mic which does not capture background noise. It is the most commonly used.


Composer in a film designs and develops music or background music in a film. He is the head musician of a film. He knows the best of what music could be used in the film

Sound Mixing

After sound editing, sound mixer does the finalization of the film's sound. He finalizes all the effects, dialogues and levels etc.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


 Sound is the seventy percent of your film

The Sound Tree

-Sound Effects 



Sound came into films in 1927, before that, silent films were produced, only music and sound effects were used first film with dialogues is Warner Brother's Jazz Singer.

Types Of Sound;

-Diegetic Sound

both the audience and editor can listen

-Non Diegetic Sound

only the audience can ear it

-Ambient Sound

it is also known as room tone, it adds environment to the scene

-Voice Over / Narration

it is very common in documentaries where a person speaks in the background of the film.

-Dialogue / Monologue

dialogue is when people speak to each other where as monologue is when an individual speaks to him or himself

-Mode Of Address

it is the way you are talking to another person, for example inferior or authoritative tone


score is the original music composed for a film. It is also known as music

-Sound Track

all the music in the film and all the vocal music in the film is the sound track

-OST (Original Sound Track)

music made specifically for a film is the original sound track

-Synchronous Sound (Sync)

the sound that is in sync. It is almost one hundred percent of your film. Professionally dialogues are recorded after the shoot of films. (ADR), lip sync etc

-Asynchronous Sound (Async)

the sound and visuals are not in sync and we call it out of sync. It is a rare thing and techniqueto be used. When used, it was used as a tool to grab attention

-Sound Effects (Folly)

they are background sounds which enhance the feel of the scene and makes it sound more lively. They are recorded by folly studios and synced with the video in sound synchronization in editing

-Sound Bridge

it is a connector between sound and the visuals. It is also called L or J cut in editing

-Sound Motive

it is a sound which is associated with a character or specific place. It is mostly used in horror movies

-Room Tone

it is the most important sound to be captured in a film. It is the sound of silence of a place in the film. Every environment has room tone. It gives a sense of realism to the film

-ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement)

It is also known as dubbing. Professional films often record their dialogues after shooting the film using ADR. It is also used to translate films in other languages



 -Long Take

-Short Take

-Slow Motion





-Post Production

Long Take is used when a take is full of depth and emotions

Short Take is used when a take is taken in frequent cuts, example ,action films

SLOW MOTION is used to emphasize on a detail which has a great value to creat6e suspense in the film

ELIPSIS  is when you show a time lapse or a passage of time through text on a film

FADE , there are two types of fade, fade in and fade out, Fade is used to show a time period along side the use of Ellipsis

CGI it stands for computer generated imagery. It is used for special effects such as creating artificial models through green screen.


Its is used because it can easily be removed from the background. It is used to replace and add a specific background to a video or an image. Green color is used in America and Blue color is used in Asia.


Editing is an  element of post production, it is a macro level umbrella and includes voice overs, vfx's , special effects and all the necessary aspects required for a film.


Monday, October 3, 2022

Today's Lecture

180 Rule

 The Rule applies so that you do not apply jump cuts int he film.

Shooting Ratio is the amount of takes you take for one shot.


It is called cut and glue or join in film making.

There are two types of editing

- Invisible Editing (it includes cuts)

-Visible Editing (transitions, see, effects)

CUT is visible edit, it is used to cut and join two clips together.

TRANSITION is an effect that is applied between two clips, But is is advised to avoid transitions.

INSUCTION is when you take a closeup of something you've already showed.

CUTAWAY is when you take a shot of something that you have not used before.

Sunday, October 2, 2022


 Montage is when you place a series of shots in a succession to show or tell a narrative. The word "montage" came to identify...specifically the rapid, shock cutting that Eisenstein employed in his films. Its use survives to this day in the specially created "montage sequences" inserted into Hollywood films to suggest, in a blur of double exposures, the rise to fame of an opera singer or, in brief model shots, the destruction of an airplane, a city or a planet.

Creative Critical Reflection (CCR)

  Creative Critical Reflection