Thursday, September 22, 2022

Should you attend film school or not?

First of all to start with, what is a film? Film is the art of story telling through motion pictures or moving images and a film school is any educational institution dedicated to teaching aspects of film making, including such subjects as film production, film theory, digital media production, and screen writing. Film history courses and hands-on technical training are usually incorporated into most film school curricula. Technical training may include instruction in the use and operation of cameras, lighting equipment, film or video editing equipment and software, and other relevant equipment. Film schools may also include courses and training in such subjects as television production, broadcasting, audio engineering and animation. 

Not all film makers have attended film school as it is not really necessary to attend it, especially now in the modern era. In today's world it is not really necessary to attend film school but if we go around twenty years back it would have been necessary to attend it as not everything was available back then, there was limited access to technology, everything was overpriced etc. In the world we know today, every piece of information required to make a film is available on the internet. Nowadays anyone can film by a device called the smartphone which is in the pocket of almost everyone on the world and modern day cellphones can record a film up to probably around 8k. Its amazing isn't it, technology has evolved so much over the past two decades that it would now feel literally impossible to live without them. 

Attending film schools in the 60's, 70's or even the 80'shad great value as there was limited access to film technology, but now that is not the case. Now! even watching films is really easy, before people had to go to proper cinemas or buy VHS Cassettes, but now you can simply rent out or pay a monthly subscription to watch your favorite movie on OFT Platforms such as Netflix or Amazon Prime.\

Attending film school is no longer necessary as all the required technology is available for the ordinary people at an affordable price. Editing is also easy now, before you either had to cut and redo the film manually as it was shot on a chemical celluloid, whereas now everything is recorded digitally on Hard Disk Drives or SD cards. Because of this clips can be edited on an editing software which can be used by anyone, from a teenager to a full grown adult. The most popular editing software used today is Adobe Premiere Pro and is used to edit even one of the greatest films ever made.

Back then you had to be in a film school to be involved in the film school to be involved in the film or have a feel of the film's environment. But now its no longer needed as everything is available on the internet and the most common platform is YouTube for it.

Film is both Art and Graft;

The Art side of the film deals with the aesthetic sense of the film and the vision you have set for your film.

According to me, Art cannot be taught or implemented into ones brain. But it simply is a natural skill set which a person has from birth .

The Graft side of the films are taught by film schools. They can teach you how you can use the modern equipment of filming but as I told you before, all the material required to learn about Film is available on the internet now so attending film school is an option.

No film school in the world can guarantee you on becoming a successful film maker or to even start a career in the film making industry.


They offer high quality film education throughout the course

- They offer networking opportunities around other film makers

- They offer full practical experience throughout your academics 


- Film education is the most expensive education in the world

- No guarantee is given if you would ever enter into the film making industry

- Too much time consuming


Use the time and money you would spend on film schools to learn and make short films from your own resources, basic skill set and knowledge through experimenting different DIY techniques and information from the internet and use your own potential. Just skip film school and use your own tallent you can do it!

In film making no one will care about your degree, the only qualification you will have is what you produce and present to your audience.

To improve your skills, watch films across the globe from every continent, every nation, every language with subtitles, focus on the depth of the film's plot. Read a lot of stuff such as articles, novels , and magazines etc.

Watch some good quality films such as







You can learn any department of films by watching these masterpieces, these films are an entire film school on their own and many film schools today these movies to students for evaluation. Now after all of this it all depends on you, if you want to attend film school or not its all up to you! 

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