Monday, September 26, 2022

Exposure Triangle

 Exposure is the amount of light coming into the camera.

It has three types

-Normal Exposure

-Over Exposure

-Under Exposure


Aperture is the opening of the lensit is also known as f-number or f-stop.

The lower the f-number the more opening of the lens which means more light enters into the lens and the higher the f-number the less opening of the lens and less light enters into the lens

Shutter is a tool that helps to control the light entering into the camera. The speed at which it moves is called shutter speed and it is measured om seconds or one tenth of a second

The lower the number the more the shutter will open and more light will enter and higher the number will result in less light entering the camera.

ISO, it is also called ASA, it is a certification, it means international standard organization. ISO ensures or its purpose is that how the camera sensor manages to manipulate light. It is all done digitally. The better the sensor the better the performance.

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